DMCA Notice
Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice
If you believe that content available by means of the website infringes one or more of your copyrights, please notify us by providing a written notice (“Infringement Notice”) containing the information described below to the designated agent listed below.
If™ takes action in response to an Infringement Notice, it will make a good faith attempt to contact the party that made such content available by means of the most recent email address, if any, provided by such party to™.
Your Infringement Notice may be forwarded to the party that made the content available or to third parties. Please be advised that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees) if you materially misrepresent that a product or activity is infringing your copyrights. Thus, if you are not sure content located on or linked-to by the Website infringes your copyright, you should consider first contacting an attorney.
Send your complaint to our designated agent.
Email: [email protected]™
PO Box 933 Morrisville NC 27560
Attn: 919-322-9717
You must include the following:
A physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or a person authorized to act on their behalf;
Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed;
A description of the nature and exact location of the content that you claim to infringe your copyright, in sufficient detail to permit™ to find and positively identify that content.
For example we require a link to the specific page that contains the content and a description of which specific portion of the page (an image, a link, the text, etc) that your complaint refers to;
–Your name, address, telephone number and email address;
–A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
–A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are either the copyright owner or a person authorized to act on their behalf.